Volunteers are vital to the success of our organization, and we are grateful for the hundreds of hours our volunteers dedicate to the work of the Canadian Pride Historical Society. This volunteer spotlight is for Sofia Arora, our Recruitment Coordinator based out of Markham, Ontario, read more below.
Before volunteering at the CPHS, what was the most unusual or interesting volunteer job you’ve ever had?
It was with Red Cross, in their Friendly Calling Program where I got a chance to provide supportive listening, social interaction, and emotional support to the call recipients to help them reduce anxiety, depression, or loneliness.
How did you first learn about the CPHS?
I learned about the opportunity through Charity Village
How do you balance your volunteer time at the CPHS with your other competing priorities?
It’s indeed challenging but the flexibility that CPHS provides me helps a lot to balance out my workload. Besides, I do feel very supported by the team which makes my work easier. Normally, I keep aside a few hours during weekdays in my schedule to work.
How has the CPHS helped you in your professional development?
CPHS has helped me in building on leadership skills, by giving me a chance to coach and manage another team member.
Also, I hold a Certified Human Resources Professional CHRP designation, and in order to maintain that I have to complete my Continued Professional Development hours. The time I volunteer with CPHS helps me in achieving a part of it.
What drew you to the CPHS originally? How has the CPHS changed since you joined?
It’s the mission, I am closely working with the folks from the QTBIPOC and LGBT community in my full-time job, and working with CPHS gave me a chance to learn more about Pride’s History and community better.
In terms of change, I have seen that different roles have been elevated by delegating decision-making power, and processes are being more streamlined using technology.
What are 3 words to describe the CPHS?
Inclusive, Collaborative, Purposeful
What do you like the most about the CPHS?
Flexibility and management support.