Volunteers are vital to the success of our organization, and we are grateful for the hundreds of hours our volunteers dedicate to the work of the Canadian Pride Historical Society. This volunteer spotlight is for Brianne Fox, one of our amazing Board Members based out of Vancouver, BC. Read more about Brianne’s volunteer experience below.
How did you first learn about the CPHS?
I first learned about the CPHS when my spouse, who works in the non-profit sector. I had recently expressed an interest in increasing my volunteer activity and when she saw this opportunity come across her desk she passed it along to me. And being a huge history nerd, I thought it would be a great fit.
What are 3 words to describe the CPHS?
Inclusive, engaged, determined
What do you find the most challenging at the CPHS?
With the many exciting projects we have on the go and different areas of GSRD history to explore, it can be difficult to focus on a single initiative. Our history is so compelling but largely unexplored in the Canadian context. So while it is a challenge, we also have a great opportunity to get this great information in front of more people.
What do you like the most about the CPHS?
I’ve really enjoyed the opportunity to work with and learned from such a diverse group of individuals across our country. It is easy to become engrossed in local events, but the national scope of the CPHS provides an interesting perspective to GSRD issues and history.
What drew you to the CPHS originally? How has the CPHS changed since you’ve joined?
I was first drawn to the CPHS by the interesting mandate of documenting GRSD history from a Canadian perspective and providing educational resources to help others become more informed. Although our GSRD history may have similarities to the United States or European nations, our unique struggles and triumphs deserve their own spotlight.